More and more people want to have only organic pest control methods used on their property. And many people are closed-minded to any non-organic pest control methods. Is this the best mindset to have as you look to protect your home and family from harmful pests?
When injured or sick, do you allow physicians to use medicine or do you quickly decide to only use organic remedies? A competent physician considers all outcomes that may come from using a certain medicine with a patient. When the medicine is used correctly, the result creates greater health to that patient. Unfortunately, many people look to take the strongest medicine available when injured--without considering healthier alternatives.
Pest Control is similar. There are many organic products that are best to use, and there are many non-organic products that are best to use. The key to a good health is to find a physician that is competently trained in knowing when to use the right medicines and when to use alternative methods. The key to a safe pest control is to find a pest company that is competently trained in knowing when to use organic methods and when use non-organic methods.
Many companies use only one way to treat for pests regardless of the situation. This can be very damaging to the environment and it can actually increase the pest populations. Pests can become resistant to pesticides that are used continually. And the added residues of the pesticides can reach unsafe levels.
The responsible applicator will use a wide range of methods, tactics, and products to control pests and keep people and the environment safe. Botanicals are great products to use, but they might not be the best products to use every time. Pyrethroids are excellent products to use, but they might not be the best products to use every time, either. The responsible applicator determines the right method, the right tactic, and the right product to use for each particular decision.
Every ecosystem has a balance. Pest control should be very site-specific. When determining how to treat pests and prevent them from invading, the following are some of the factors that we consider: Safety, Effectiveness, Environmental Impact, Non-target Creatures, Location, Equipment Used, Mode of Treatment, Formulations, Amounts, Frequency, Laws & Regulations, etc...
Jitterbug Pest Control strives to be responsible. We use programs that are site-specific, that safely control pests while being aware of all risks to the environment.